There are many different types of treatments for alcohol addiction which includes detox, therapy and counseling. These fit into two different categories which are inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. The first step is choosing to change and quit the substance.
Choosing between an inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation center depends upon the severity of the substance abuse but different factors might also influence the decision. Both treatments are designed to help the addict quit their alcohol consumption in a safe and supporting environment. One type of rehabilitation is not better than the other. It depends on the individual about how it suits them, their needs and their schedules.
Inpatient rehab:
Inpatient rehabilitation is also commonly known as residential rehabilitation because the addict lives at the rehabilitation center. This type of rehab can be helpful for addicts who are more severe addicts as it puts them in a different place, away from any temptations that might trigger them to drink.
At inpatient facilities, 24-hour services are offered as patient often indeed intense help and support. It is common for inpatient facilities to break down their treatment into three steps which are detox, reflection and growth. This is to help patients adopt a substance free lifestyle that they can sustain after rehabilitation.
The stay at an inpatient rehabilitation facility can be long-term or short-term. Long-term stays might range from six months to a year while short-term stays are usually between three and six weeks long. Check out drug rehab Baton Rouge for more info about inpatient rehab.
Outpatient rehab:
Outpatient rehabilitation involves daily treatment through therapy, counseling, or group sessions which are held at a clinic, facility or set meeting place. Outpatient rehabilitation is better suited to those who have a lot going on in their lives such as an adult who has children to take care of or a student who cannot afford missing school for months at a time.
Living in an outpatient facility allows an addict to keep up with their lives. Outpatient rehabilitation is also comparatively cheaper but the level of support might be less than what is found in inpatient rehabilitation.
It cannot be definitively said that one form of rehabilitation is better than the other. It depends on the individual and the severity of their addiction as well as their availability. Some people might have the time to live in an inpatient facility while others may not. Each patient can choose whichever type of rehabilitation suits them better.