
7 criteria for choosing logistics software

One of the most important decisions for a logistics or storage company, and even a transportation company, is the CartonCloud third party logistics software (3PL) they will use to manage their activities. First of all, because of the unlimited supply in the market, but also need to consider not only the most obvious current needs, but also to coordinate and unify the needs of the various departments involved, and even customers and suppliers, in the medium to long term.

Ultimately, every company is a world, so third-party logistics software (3PL) must respond to their specific needs and forecasts. In this sense, several criteria can help us make the best possible decisions. What should we consider when choosing third-party logistics software (3PL)?

The purpose of the software.

Suppose you are a logistics operator or a personal warehouse. In that case, it is best to choose software specifically designed for your sector from the start and avoid options that are simply adaptations of generic software.

Ability to integrate with other software and peripherals. 

This ability to integrate is one of its most defining elements. The ease of combining it with other software (not only your own but also from clients, suppliers, transportation companies, and partners) will be the key for everything to work correctly and, above all, to be able to access valid and updated information about the status of any order.


Software must be customized and configured to respond ideally to the uniqueness of each company on a functional level. For example, in the case of logistics operators, it is essential to be multisectoral because they have clients in different sectors and need to cover all singularities of each company and industry with the same software.


Another important aspect, and one that is often not taken into account, is having a provider that is constantly reviewing and updating the software to improve it, not only to ensure that everything is working correctly but also to implement new features that may be useful. One of the main dangers of software, in general, is that it becomes obsolete.


Related to the previous point, the software must be scalable, i.e. responding to our current and short-term needs. Still, we can develop as our company grows. In this way, the investment is also gradual.

Technical support. 

It is imperative to ensure that, behind the software we acquire, an excellent team of programmers and developers can provide us with backing in case of any incident, doubt or requirement.


By software? Not! With commercial and technical teams, we will handle. If there is an affinity, we will make sure that they listen to us, understand our needs and provide us with the best answers. We think it is a long-term relationship; it is essential to have an interlocutor who considers himself part of the team.

With these criteria, we can now determine the most suitable software for our company. This is not an easy or quick decision. Still, a good provider will offer you the best solution but will also assist you in defining the project and making the most appropriate recommendations for your company.

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